Sunday, May 4, 2008

PAO Pre-Op Completed

I had my final appointment with Dr. Ellis this week. I am all cleared for surgery on June 11th. I feel SO incredibly empowered walking into his office armed with the knowledge I've gleaned from the Hip Sisters! He was able to answer the great questions I had and even had a few for me! :-) I now have appointments to bank my blood and a prescription for Millennial Crutches! I'll take the script to the Medical Supply store tomorrow.

I owe such a debt of gratitude to all of the phenomenal gals who shared their experience and knowledge with me prior to my appointment. I would have never know what to talk tot he doctor about if I hadn't found the Yahoo! Hippy Women group or the circle of blogs here on PAO.

I am totally ready for this surgery. I am totally NOT ready for the blood thinning shots. My dad has agreed to give them to me. Thanks Dad!

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