Tuesday, June 10, 2008

12 Hours to go!!

Well,here I am just 12 hours away from leaving for the hospital. I have decided that I am completely ready for this! Thanks to the hip group I know what to exepect afterwards, I am ready for the pain, the hard work and the therapy. I am ready for this!!! I hope I really mean it and that I am not just saying it over and over again hoping to believe it! :-)

My family seems to be ready and they all know their jobs while I'm gone. The kids have to keep fighting with each other, John has to keep them from fighting with each other, and Mom & Dad have the house ready for me to come home! I guess everyone is doing their part now I just need to do mine!

Thanks toa ll for the for the love, thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes!! I'll check in as soon as I can!

In the meantime I will keep track of how many people say to me, "Perioste-what?"


Rachel said...

Good luck with everything. As I'm now reading your post on Sunday 14th, you will be out of surgery and a day or so into recovery! I hope everything went ok and that your recovery is a speedy one. My PAO surgery is scheduled for September 26...

I'll be checking in on your blog...


Anonymous said...

I hope everything went well and look forward to hearing about your recovery. Dr Ellis just diagnosed me with hip dysplasia and is recommending the same surgeries (scope then pao if possible). I really want to hear what went into your decision for surgery and surgeon. Good luck on your recovery!